Designed with Cooper Rutile.
Crystal Diameter: 9mm.
Suitable for wrist size : 14cm - 18cm.
Accessories: S925 sterling silver plated gold.
适合手环尺寸:14cm - 18cm。
配件:S925 纯银电镀。白金色。
Cooper Rutile Benefits:
• Improve your fortune, and also have the effect of warding off evil, suitable for people who have a gentle temper and need energy.
• Helps promote blood circulation, calms emotions & increases the charisma of leaders.
· 具有招财的作用,招正财招偏财。
· 可当护身符、幸运符,尤其常出入各种杂气病气很重的场所,医疗,坟场阴森的地方,有辟邪化煞、逢凶化吉效果。
· 可加强气势,带给人积极旺盛的企图心、冲劲、胆识,加强一个人的信心及果断力。
Earth Series 土系列
$68.00 一般價格