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Fortune Series 招财系列晶石

Designed with Rose Quartz,Titanium, Amethyst, Tourmaline and Cooper Rutile.

Crystal Diameter: 8-8.5mm / 10mm

Accessories : S925 sterling silver plated rose gold color.


设计与粉晶,钛金, 紫晶,紫晶, 粉碧玺 和 铜发晶。

水晶颗粒:8-8.5mm / 10mm

配件 : S925 纯银电镀。玫瑰金色。

Rose Quartz Benefits:

• The Stone of Love, which enhances the relationship between couples, reduces friction, quarrels, anger, and strengthens love.
• Attract more business opportunities, the best secret tool for business people.


Titanium Benefits:

• The most energetic crystal has a significant effect on career and wealth.

• Ability to strengthen decision-making and increase courage for people who is indecisive, hesitant, lack of opinion and courage.


Amethyst Benefits:

• Helps develop wisdom, improve self-awareness, popularity, and promote interpersonal relationships.
• Promotes calmness & makes it easier for people to settle down.


Tourmaline Benefits:

• Give people a feeling of happiness and ecstasy, help to develop their minds, and relieve depression.
• Can attract love and friendship, increase heterosexuality & friendliness, dispel loneliness, release personal charm, and strengthen affinity.


Cooper Rutile Benefits:

• Improve your fortune, and also have the effect of warding off evil, suitable for people who have a gentle temper and need energy.
• Helps promote blood circulation, calms emotions & increases the charisma of leader.



· 可協助改善人際關係,增進人緣、生意緣,是開門做生意的最佳利器。

· 具有改善情感危机、减少感情烦恼、治疗心灵伤痛的功效。



· 能量最强的水晶,对事业、财富都有显著的效果。

· 做事优柔寡断、犹豫不决、缺乏主见与魄力的人,也有加强其果断的决策力,以及增加勇气魄力的功用。



· 可以开发智慧、帮助思考、集中念力、增加记忆能力。
· 作为传统意义上的护身符,通常可驱赶邪运、增强个人运气。



· 调和五行晶石中能量最强,是水晶家族中最聚财、聚福、辟邪的宝石。
· 能吸引爱情与友情,增加异性缘,融化冷漠与疏离感。



· 具有招财的作用,招正财招偏财。

· 可加强气势,带给人积极旺盛的企图心、冲劲、胆识,加强一个人的信心及果断力。



Fortune 招财系


    Metalogy Sdn Bhd (201901027436)

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    D1010 & D1011, Block D, Kelana Square,
    No.17, Jalan SS7/26, Kelana Jaya, 47301
    Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

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