Crystals Benefits:
• helps to providing protection.
• absorbs negative energies and pollutants.•It helps to improve the fortune of love, and can make thinking clearer and make the mind peaceful and serene.
• Can attract love and friendship, increase heterosexuality & friendliness, dispel loneliness, release personal charm, and strengthen affinity.
• 有助于易得貴人相助,帮助事業發展更順利,能帶來更多正財運。
• 增加个人魅力、增进人际关系的美好圆融、和谐友善。
· 能够稳定磁场,排除周围的负能量、起到辟凶化煞、镇宅驱邪的作用。
· 更可聚福气、聚财气。
· 能吸引爱情与友情,增加异性缘,融化冷漠与疏离感。
Wood Couple 木系情侣
$488.00 一般價格